High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astrophysics
- Active galactic nuclei: They are bright regions around supermassive black holes where particles are accelerated to high energies. They dominate the extragalactic gamma-ray and radio sky. We study the particle acceleration and radiation mechanisms in these sources.
- The next-generation gamma-ray telescopes: We built a novel prototype Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope for the upcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory. We are in an exciting phase of exploring the power of this innovative telescope design and making it production ready. Check out this time-lapse of a mirror alignment execution of the prototype Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope.
- Advanced data analysis: We use various statistical techniques including machine learning. We are working on tools that can serve the research community (see e.g., CTLearn).
Multi-Messenger Astrophysics
- Searching for neutrino sources: Active galactic nuclei remain one of the most promising candidate source classes for the highest-energy astrophysical neutrinos observed
by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.
We organize multi-wavelength campaigns to investigate active galactic nuclei that are potentially associated with astrophysical neutrinos. The identification of any neutrino source would ultimately address, at least partially, the long-standing cosmic-ray origin mystery.
Astroparticle Physics
- Axion-Like Particles: They are hypothetical particles beyond the Standard Model and candidate for dark matter. We use gamma-ray observations of active galactic nuclei to provide competitive constraints on the mass of axion-like particles and their coupling strength with photons.
A list of publications can be found on the SAO/NASA ADS.
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